Mobile App Development

We’ll create web or mobile applications specifically for your company.

Hybrid Application Development

We specialize in developing top-notch hybrid applications that offer a seamless experience across multiple platforms. Our team of skilled developers has extensive experience in building hybrid applications that combine the best of both worlds: native and web-based technologies.

What is Hybrid Application Development?

Hybrid application development is the process of creating applications that work on multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS. Hybrid applications are built using web technologies such Flutter and React Native.

Why Choose Hybrid Application Development?

Hybrid applications offer several benefits over native applications, including

  • Cost-effective development: Developing a single application that works across multiple platforms is much more cost-effective than building separate native applications for each platform.
  • Faster development: Hybrid applications can be developed much faster than native applications because they use web technologies that are familiar to most developers.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Hybrid applications work seamlessly across multiple platforms, which means that users can access your application regardless of their device or operating system.
  • Consistent user experience: Because hybrid applications are wrapped in a native container, they offer a consistent user experience across all platforms.
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Native Application Development

Native applications are software programs that are designed and developed for a specific platform or operating system. They are built using the platform’s native programming language and are optimized to take full advantage of the platform’s features and capabilities. For example, iOS apps are built using Swift or Objective-C, while Android apps are built using Java or Kotlin.

Benefits of Native Application Development

There are several benefits of developing native applications, including:

  • Superior performance and speed
  • Better user experience
  • Access to native features and functionalities
  • Improved security and reliability
  • Easier integration with other native apps

Our Native Application Development Services

We offer end-to-end native application development services for both iOS and Android platforms. Our services include:

  • Ideation and conceptualization
  • UI/UX design
  • Native app development using Swift, Objective-C, Java, or Kotlin
  • Quality assurance and testing
  • App deployment and maintenance

Our Process

Great websites add great values to your business. From wire-framing toPSD designing, we do it all.


During an application consultation, a team of experts will work with the client to understand their business, target audience, and competition, and provide recommendations on how to design and develop an application that meets their needs and goals.

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Application planning is the initial stage of the Application development process where the goals, objectives, and requirements of the Application are defined. It involves identifying the purpose of the Application, defining the target audience, conducting research on the competition, and creating a project brief that outlines the Application’s scope and features.

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Application wire framing is a visual representation of the website’s structure and layout. It is the process of creating a basic outline or blueprint of the Application’s content, user interface, and functionality.This helps to establish the Application’s layout and content hierarchy and allows the client and development team to review and provide feedback on the Application’s structure and functionality before the design and development stages

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Application designing is the process of creating the visual and aesthetic elements of an Application. It involves creating the website’s look and feel, including the colors, typography, images, and other design elements.

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Application development is the process of creating and building a website. It involves translating the website design and concept into a functional Application by writing code, designing databases, and integrating content management systems and other technologies.

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Application deployment is the process of launching the Application on the App store and Play Store and making it accessible to the public. It involves transferring the Application files and databases to a server and push application on App store and play store accounts to make the Application live.

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Application maintenance also involves monitoring website analytics to track user behavior and make informed decisions about improving the Application’s user experience. Proper website maintenance ensures that the website remains up-to-date, functional, and secure, providing a positive user experience and delivering the desired outcomes for the client.

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Why Choose Us?

Choosing Wiber Technologies as your application development partner has several advantages:

Skilled team

Our team of skilled developers has extensive experience in developing applications that offer a seamless user experience.

Agile development

We follow an agile development process that allows us to deliver high-quality applications quickly and efficiently.

Customized solutions

We work closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements and develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

Competitive pricing

We offer competitive pricing for our application development services, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Let's Stay Connected

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.